Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My message to Republicans

Like everyone else in this country (and apparently the world) I'll have a lot to say about this election but I wanted to start with this.

As an Obama supporter (I am not a Democrat) I have heard a lot of spin doctors tell you Republican's what I want to do to you. Well, hopefully the noise has died down enough now that you might be able to hear ME tell you what I hope your future holds.

I wish for you, increased economic prosperity and a renewed and strengthened national security.
I hope to see our government reinstate freedoms you had 8 years ago and to see them leave you alone to worship, love and marry as you see fit.

That's it. No malice. No vengeance.

So, you may still think that President Elect Obama's ideas will not achieve these goals but you shouldn't feel any persecution. I simply want better times for every American and I'd hope you would now be pulling for the same outcome.

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