Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Scare Tactics - does this seem familure?

Once again, reasonable America (the "middle" majority), is left wondering why the two candidates can't simply run on their ideas. Why can't they just present their plans and let us pick the one we like?

If you believe the economy is best served by giving tax breaks to Corporations with the idea that they might in turn share some of that with the bulk of the public ... then say so and be proud of your stance.
If you believe the economy is best served by giving the tax cuts directly to the bulk of the public so that they have the money to go and BUY those corporation's products ... then make THAT point and let the public decided which plan they like the best.

What McCain is doing instead, is attempting to resuscitate the threadbare narrative which holds that Obama, by merit of color and heritage, is something foreign, something scary, something not of us.

While speakers at McCain rallies have taken once again to chanting Obama's middle name -- Hussein, Gov. Sarah Palin has been, accusing Obama of ''palling around'' with terrorists. The senator maliciously told an audience that Obama doesn't like the troops and doesn't see America ''the way you and I see America.'' McCain himself has been muttering ''Who is the real Barack Obama?'

That many McCain supporters embrace such words (and deeds?) is plain from the racial invective, death threats and visceral anger of his recent rallies. Enough that the senator was required -- to a chorus of boos -- to ask them to dial it down.

It's an offensive argument, yes. But in a nation such as ours that has been subjected to 8 years of planned divisiveness and incessant fear mongering from it's ruling party, it is also a dangerous one.

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